Wednesday, March 31, 2010


I stole this from my dad's blog today.

Malaya had an assignment at school to complete the statement, "If . . ." Here is Malaya's response (remember, she is 9 years old):

If Imagination Were Real in Different Ways
By Malaya Bizaillion

If angels and spirits could talk . . .
If Mom were here . . .
If clouds were windows and the sun was the entrance to heaven . . .
If no one could leave this earth . . .
If hearts weren't broken . . .

If there were no color . . .
If there were no sin in the world today . . .
If death were defeated . . .
If heaven was earth . . .
If my heart was still full of pride and not broken . . .
If people could keep promises . . .


  1. Josh,

    I came across your blog by accident today. The day that would have been my 15th wedding annv had my wife not died 10 months ago tomorrow. I know the pain of loss, and I know that there are no answers to the questions. I live daily in the strength of the Spirit as you do. My prayers are with you and your family.


  2. Unbelievable and amazing neice you have. Her words are those of a 9 year old that just had to grow up too fast the last few months. Cried as I read them, prayed for your family.
