Tuesday, July 28, 2009

Noah James

Dear Noah,
Your due date is August 26th and I can't wait to see you. I'm writing you a letter that you might never read, but it's my way of getting a few thoughts out there.
I remember thinking the same thought before your brother Truitt came into the world, but it's amazing how much I'm able to love a piece of God's creation that I've never seen before. There are nights when I roll over in bed and I place my hand on Kayci's belly just so I can pray for God's Spirit to rest on you. I plead with Him to give you dreams and visions for His work in this world. I want you to know right now that I don't care what you become when you get older; I care about who you become. I want to point you to Jesus in a way that it is so captivating that he will become your breath of life. I want your faith to far exceed mine. I hope to demonstrate a prayer life that taps into the presence and power of God. I don't want you to know Scripture so that you can get a sticker for memorization or become a member of the 66-Club for knowing all the books in the Bible. I don't want it to be a distant book like other history books that line the shelves of libraries. I want Scripture to come to life inside of you. I want it to be relevant. I want it to shape your imagination in ways that you feel the same sand Jesus walked on. I want you to experience the same joy Jesus had in befriending sinners and social outcasts. I want you to always lean on the side of compassion so that you will love the poor the way God loves the poor.
I don't care if you are a Republican or Democrat or even if you choose to live out your adult life in America. More than anything, I want you to be a sold-out follower of Jesus who is not afraid to take some serious risks for him. I want you to feel empowered by your parents to do some daring things with your life. I want to make a covenant with you and Truitt, just like I did with your mother on our wedding day, that I will pray for you every single day.
I hope that the day never comes when I will have to die for you, though I would do it without even having to think about it. But know this, I will choose every single day to live for you.
I want you to know that I am far from a perfect father, but I will try my very best to love you with every ounce of my being.

I can't help but wonder:
Who are you going to look like more--your mom or me?
Will you be a righty or a lefty?
Will you like Toby Mac as much as your brother?
What will be your first word? (it's okay to say "mommy" first. She's still mad at Truitt. HA!)
How will you want to invest your time and energy in this world?

There are a few decisions that have been made for you: you will not be a Yankee fan, an Eagles fan, or a Giants fan. Try it, and we'll put you up for adoption. HA!

For 8 months we have watched you grow. Your work-out routines have become more frequent and powerful. They keep your mom awake at night, and when she tosses and turns it keeps me up. But I see it as a way that God is preparing me to hang out with you during the night while your mom gets rest after feeding you.

About your mom, she is a Proverbs-31 kind of woman. She makes me want to be a better Christ-follower, and she is going to pour her life into raising you.

I'll see you in a few weeks, buddy. Until then, you might want to stay off of mommy's bladder.

PS--If you want to get in good with your momma from the get-go, you better come early. She's tired of carrying you.


  1. This is priceless, my friend.

  2. I wish I would have had a model for fatherhood like you. You sure make your daddy proud.

  3. this is awesome josh! youre a great daddy!


  4. This made me cry, Josh. You and Kayci are such wonderful, Christ-formed parents who pour yourselves into His purposes, plans, and dreams. Noah James is one immensly blessed little boy. Can't wait to hear of his safe and healthy arrival from God's arms to yours. Love you guys more than you know!

  5. Josh,
    You've become a dear friend on this faith journey.
    God has used you to form me as parent. Thanks for pouring your life into us.
    Great hearing from you.
    You are such an encouragement to my family. Thank you for loving us.

  6. Josh, I was just pondering this as I was trying to sleep: If I'd had the spiritual "eyes" that you have when my children were babies, how different would they be now that they are grown? Just wondering...

    My life was so different then.
