Tuesday, October 27, 2009

Professional Complainers...and the NBA

Check out this piece by Mike Cope on professional complainers. For all church leaders, these are 3 paragraphs that will bless you.


The NBA begins tonight. My Mavs take on the Wizards. They should get their first of 58 wins for the season. They will enter into the playoffs as the 4th seed and will get knocked out in the 2nd round.


From the book The Tangible Kingdom:
When I walk into Starbucks, I don't think about coffee. I ponder the lives of everyone I see. I wonder about their spiritual journeys, their highs and lows...and where they look for direction in their search. My initial assumption is that in any room full of people, very few know Christ. I ask myself how I could get into their lives or how a conversation might begin. I don't see them as projects--that wouldn't go very far. I see them as souls the Lord loves who simply haven't seen or heard an accurate message about the Kingdom. I always feel confident that I may one day be talking with them about life and God. Oddly enough, this seems to happen all the time.


  1. Love the quote. I wish I could have been there to hear the little Goober (Truitt) pray over you. I can almost hear him.

  2. I hate to complain about your blog but...do you really think they will make it to the 2nd round?

    Good stuff from MC. I hear it all the time at work and imagine it gets even more difficult to process in the work of the body.

  3. Loved the quote Josh! And, I, like your dad wish I could've heard Truitt pray over you!! I LOVE the prayers of two year olds :) It sounds like you and Kayci are instilling in Truitt a spirit to converse with God in deep ways and that is exciting. I hope to teach that to any future children as well, seeing how it is one of my deepest passions. Bless you friend :)

  4. Listening to the sports news, I immediately thought of you. The key word in your Mavs blurb was "should" I guess. 81 more chances to get a win.

  5. Jeff, so I might be off a game or two. :)

  6. We had a minister in N. Alabama that called unbelievers with open hearts "prospects." ARGGGGH!!!! Needless to say, that didn't go very far--sometimes only to the point of the water. The relationship is the key, and seeing all the people we come into contact with as beautiful souls loved by our Lord makes the difference in how we talk with them. They are saved by His grace--just like me, praise God! I have to remember that, and that always helps me step into conversations I may try to shy away from. It also helps that I am an extrovert :)
