Monday, February 9, 2009


I don't have much time to write today, but I'm curious:
How do you practice confession in your own life?
What atmospheres/environments have been created in your own local church (faith community) in which confession can take place?


  1. Josh –

    When I started teaching an adult class on Sunday mornings, I was very open with the members of the class about my lifelong struggle with skewed perceptions of humility and confidence and the sin that had resulted from that conflict.

    I told them, “I’m probably the most sinful Bible class teacher that you will ever have. I struggle with all of the same temptations and sins that you struggle with on a moment by moment basis. I won’t ever pretend to have it all together or to have all of the answers, but I am willing to walk with you toward Jesus. Knowing that is who I am, if you still want me to teach, I’ll do my best to share Jesus with you and to learn everything I can from you about Him along the way.”

    We’ve been rediscovering Jesus together through the eyes of His best friend, John, for over three years now, and the atmosphere in the class allows us to talk transparently and honestly about anything.

    I believe that successfully sharing your vulnerabilities with other people begins with being completely transparent with our Father through confessionary prayer. I tell Him absolutely everything ... the good, the bad and the very, very ugly. I learned that from David in Psalms 32:3-5.

  2. Steve's comments are excellent and right on track. I wanted to share how much I appreciate Josh Graves' story on Cheers to the Jesus Way. I was deeply moved by this and am actively seeking ways to be more open to God's voice in my own life.

  3. I am part of a group of four friends that meets once a week to share our walk and pray for each other. Plenty of confession happens as well as support and compassion. I can't imagine life without it.

    Lisa Foreman

  4. i am trying to create this in my life right now. i have always liked that the catholic church focuses on confession. this is something i feel all too often is missed in many protestant churches. we are called to confess to one another. i think God knew the accountability it would create for us as well as the circle of intimacy, encouragement, and love. we are all struggling...why are we so afraid to share? God recently place on my heart to begin a small group, which met for the first time sunday nite. i felt God really leading me to begin the group with a foundation of complete authenticity, including thoughts and confessions. i think the girls felt safe, especially as i confessed some things. God was glorified and blessed us. i know this is just the beginning.

  5. My Sunday morning class with Jim Harding and my home group are the places that I can be transparent. I also have a small circle of friends with whom I can be completely open and honest. Most all of the people in these groups love me warts and all.
