Thursday, February 12, 2009

Dangerous Prayer, Part I

Over the next few days I want to share bits and pieces of a prayer journey we have been on at SVC called "Dangerous Prayers."
I like the phrase dangerous prayers because it sounds risky. Often times we pray superficial prayers that center around health, protection, safety, and security. But what happens when God pulls us deeper to pray the way the church prayed in Acts 4? The church had every reason to pray for protection. They were the minorities. They were mocked. They were threatened and at times persecuted. The leader of the Christian-movement (Jesus), had recently been hung on a tree and the word on the street was that this movement was about "carrying a cross."
The church gathered to pray...but the prayers weren't for protection...or safety...or "God, this world is so evil and immoral..."
Instead, the prayer was, "God, this city killed Jesus and now they are threatening to harm us. Consider their threats and grant to your servants to speak your word with all boldness..."
Their prayer was that the word of God needed to enter into the very places were threats were being strategically planned.
The result was that the walls of the house they were praying in was shaken and they spoke the word with boldness.

It is time for the people to pray dangerously again. We need God to teach us how to pray risky prayers that might just get us involved in the trenches of life.
Jesus never teaches his people to pray for shelter, safety, and security...instead...he teaches them to pray prayers for the kingdom of God to come to earth...prayers that God's power and presence will come crashing into this world.

So, at SVC, we have joined a journey in which we are praying a dangerous prayer for each of the week.
More to come later...


  1. I can't wait to hear more. I pray for God to use me and it scares me at times to think what that might require, how it will move me from a place of comfort to a place of action yet there is still excitement in the prayer waiting to see what God will do - whatever it requires of me.

  2. Josh- I read this blog last week and it really spoke to me- the phrase "dangerous prayer." I couldn't get it out of my head. I wrote a song about it and posted the words on my blog. Thanks for making me think.

  3. How eerie it was for me to read this. You say 'Dangerous Prayer' being a phrase yet I had never heard before yet I have used it exactly worded as such. I googled it, and found it true like its a sort of conception that Christians are "warned" to take heed(?) or tiptoe when talking to God. I myself am not a Christian, yet I might be the epitome of that distorted childhood development experience. I also recall phrases like 'knocking at the door' to God/salvation and maybe this sounds trite or might not make sense, but the exact opposite is now happening to me. To keep this short, recently watching everything in my life slowly crumble, I realized God/something is incessantly knocking at my door screaming 'wake-up' cause its been a long time. In perspective, it all drove me to a strange crossroad Ive never been too and much less imagined. The strangest changes are happening in me and I cant figure out if my mind has started releasing itself for my sanity sake. For one thing Im writing poetry....may not sound weird, but if I even thought about telling someone I knew they would be only too quick to remind me im an illiterate 24 year old that never graduated high school, whos never once read poetry much less tried writing down his thoughts. The one time I did this about 5 months ago, it spilled out into a dark, intense brooding tormented poetry I imagine 14 year old goth kids write in their little black books. At my very brink about a month ago, I wrote a "letter" to God since I know its him I keep ducking or trying to escape once again. I honestly never know what im about to write when I start writing, so I always read what usually turns out to be ranting in the end. This "letter" turned out to be my ultimatum before consent. I had previously accepted that everything happening had to be his doing which I acknowledged and wasnt even angry....yet. This I think is my complete arrogance in a 'So be it' approach. I have always been that type of personality, not a tough-guy attitude, but a genuine pedestal where my Integrity holds as the standard in everything I do and I redefine the Proud-Man ego that makes Donald Trump seem counterfeit. I have accomplished allot at a very young age and watching it crumble I have been determined to remain standing and at least holding true with my Pride and Integrity if nothing else. Needless to say, even this started peeling away which drove me to madness + anguish and writing down my thoughts. So this "letter" was also my bargaining tool where I wanted the one question unanswered that drove me away when I was 16 from 'The Church' and everything about it. I had this question answered many times, it was (I still hope) the wrong answer. Its a childs question, with a deep deep meaning to me that no one ever could explain. So this time, Im leaving it to God to answer. I'll also know when he has because like I said, its as basic that a child could tell you a thousand reasons for its perfect obvious truth. Anyway, once I have at least physiological peace with this issue, I offered everything I am since thats all I plan to have left at the end of this and if it takes that long. Shattered and broken ill probably be for necessity sake. This still is yet to be seen, but somehow I am certain I will discover it. Or maybe he will reveal it is better said right?...this is true. I've never know a person who openly claims to believe God exists, with the

  4. gull to also say I turned my back on him long time ago for not answering a cataclysmic problem for me that the rest of the christian world takes as given. My toxic mix of pride and integrity often leaves me open and willing to get knocked off my high horse if anything wants to try and swing. I stick my neck out brazenly to accept what may come rather than bend to succeeding a weak point only to pass over it and never contemplate it thoroughly. Id rather make it break my will if need be, which sadly might need be. So to end where I began with how eerie this was, the letter/poem I wrote ended in these words- ...and so search me God, know my mind, bind my heart and hold me to this….. my solemn oath, my dangerous prayer. -Christian (pun unintended)
