Tuesday, September 8, 2009

Arkansas Democrat Gazette

The call came last Tuesday afternoon. It was an editor from a newspaper based in Little Rock. I had never heard of the Arkansas Democrat Gazette. My first thought was that it was a small community newspaper that would be read by Fred and Ethel over some coffee and a pancake at the corner cafe. I didn't know that it was THE newspaper of Arkansas.

They called because there was a church in North Little Rock called The Summit, a Southern Baptist Church, who took part in a "reverse offering." Somehow, the Senior Pastor found the story from my blog back in July and they decided to do it at their church. The Gazette interviewed the Pastor and he told them that he got the idea from a church called Sycamore View in Memphis and that the minister's name was Josh Ross. So, they called me for an interview.

The story ran on the front page. They said they weren't going to put up another story of a bombing but instead they wanted to highlight some good news. I thought that was pretty cool.

Since then, K-LOVE has run the story on their website. All glory to God.

The Spirit that invaded the church in Acts 2 and Acts 4 continues to multiply its grand idea of a shared community. Other churches inspired me and now churches are being blessed through something that seemed to have been so simple to the early church. We are given much...and we give much.


  1. I think that is really cool! God is just the best :)

  2. Great news. Glad the Lord knit you together in the womb and blessed you with the stubborn resolve to win Kayci's heart. Proud of you.

  3. That's really cool, man. The Democrat-Gazette was my newspaper growing up.

    Good stuff. :)
